There are Church Recorders at St Mary’s Glanvilles Wootton.
During the year 2016/2017 at 11a.m, every Thursday morning from April to November a group of people can be found in the porch of the Church having their coffee break!
They are members of the Church Recorder Group affiliated to NADFAS (The National Association of Decorative and Fine Arts Societies) and are there to undertake a survey recording all the fittings and artistic artefacts that are to be found in the Church of St. Mary the Virgin which is a Church with a 14 Century tower, a 19th Restoration of the main church and with an ancient Chantry Chapel.
The project is fascinating and the amount of information that has been discovered is so interesting. Everything is described, measured and noted down with drawings and photographs. This includes textiles, metalwork , paintings ,library, windows, stonework, woodwork and memorials. All this will eventually be put together in a bound book to enable the village now and future generations to discover exactly what is contained in their beautiful Church.